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Latest news

Well, Hello, Mrs. PalinWednesday, September 24, 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin has no foreign policy experience. Well, excepting her experience dealing with the 51st state, Canadia, this is a true statement. As far as I know, she has never met with any head of state before... until yesterday. We are all familiar with her shotgun wedding with Old Guy. Now comes the baptismal by fire. Is she up to it? Will her steely resolve resonate or reject? Will the fact that she has a pair of those, and not these afect her ability to communicate with some leaders? Only time will tell. So far, so good. The LA Times has a decently unbiased look at her experience, including the fact that she had, indeed, never met a head of state before her infamous interview with Charlie Gibson, and the fact that she will be meeting with Bono later today.

Um... which state is Bono the head of, again?
Palin Supporters: Hollywood: 0, The Villages: 60,000Monday, September 22, 2008
60,000 people is a lot of people. Whether it is at a football game in a stadium, or outdoors to hear an unpolitician speak. Gov. Sarah Palin drew 60,000 people to a rally north of Orlando over the weekend. In related news, Sen. John McCain also attended the rally.

Her affect on politics in this country continues to be amazing, and largely ignored by the media. Unfortunately, since her appearances and speaches are ignored or skimmed over, it is hard to get an idea of what, exactly, she is saying and where she stands. Fortunately, she is getting MORE popular as time goes on, so, eventually, they will have to pay attention (at least, I hope). I just wonder what they would do if the vice-presidents' debate outviews the presidential debates!

Regardless, Gov. Palin continues to impress and be a beacon of hope to all Americans who want to pull the plug on our vastly corrupt and bloated system. I can only hope she is the real deal.

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Another trip to PA planned for MondayFriday, September 19, 2008

Ah yes, Philadelphia. I guess Sarah Palin and the Old Guy figured they hit up Western and Central PA, they needed to go to the dark, err... other side of the state. Philadelphia, where the dead not only vote, they vote often! More than 100% voter turnout! Hmmm... that sounds like another T-Shirt or a bumper sticker. What do you think?

As for this blog, I was starting to get discouraged because I thought that no one was reading this blog and I was putting good effort into it. I feel reinvigorated now, though, as I have several fans of the Facebook account. Please take a moment and comment on something, just to let me know that you are here and to let me know what you like and what you don't. There's so much to talk about, but most of it gets rehashed a million ways everyday. I think I will stick to the Photoshops, what do you think?

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Palin-Old Guy in Ohio TodayTuesday, September 16, 2008
Who cares, outside of Ohio? Well, you should take note, if you are at all interested in this year's presidential election. According to this month's Public Policy Poll results, the Palin Effect is a politcal storm taking over Ohio. According to this poll, in one month, the Palin-Old Guy ticket has made a 25 point swing among Ohio independents! This is an amazing feat by any standard. The poll results show that mcuh of that can be directly attributed to John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, and Barack Obama's selection of Joe Biden. There is much more to learn about Sarah Palin over the next two months and beyond, but, at this rate, she could go on to be the most influential non-presidential candidate to ever affect a US presidential election. What are your thoughts on this?

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We're on a mission from GodFriday, September 12, 2008
OK. So, by now, most people who would read this have seen or heard the clips from Sarah Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC. I honestly think that it has been the down point of her candidacy. The problem is, I believe that Charlie Gibson really stuck it to her. Unfortunately, she did not do anything to point out what he was doing. The one thing that I believe was the most obviously biased, was the quote about the War Against Terror being from God. This is the quote I keep hearing played:

"Our national leader are sending them out on a task that is... from God."

She said that, it is true, but they abruptly cut the tape right there, even as she goes on to her next sentence with no pause:
"That's what we have to make sure we are praying for; that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Now the second sentence completely changes the meaning of the first, so why didn't they play that? My belief is that they don't want you to hear it. Charlie Gibson doesn't want you to hear it. He wants you to believe that Sarah Palin is a war monger, just like George W Bush and all of his cronies, and believes that we are in a holy war. He does not want you to know that she is asking that we all pray that our leaders are making the right decisions and are following God's will. Again, the problem is that Sarah Palin did not make this clear, herself, during the interview. Instead of saying, "why don't you play the rest of the tape, Charlie." She goes on to explain how she believes in Abraham Lincoln's belief that we should follow God's will, etc. She looked weak and indecisive, which is the complete opposite of everything she has been up until now. We will just have to see how things play out.

Check out the full YouTube video of Sarah Palin's address to her congregation on YouTube. The video is really long. Charlie Gibson cut the tape at 3:53.

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I know everyone is talking about the lipstick, but I have to put in my two centsWednesday, September 10, 2008
So, I have looked on YouTube, Google, and a bunch of news sites, and I cannot find the video of Barack Obama's full lipstick quote, which was:
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You can wrap up an old fish in a piece of paper and call it "Change;" it's still going to stink after eight years.
What? Are you serious? Now, I started this blog because I believe in being for things, not against things. I am, so far, completely pro-Palin. I am cautious about an October surprise, but, so far, I have not heard a single thing about her, that I don't love. Now, with that said, I'm going to go back on that and point out what a hypocrite Barack Obama is.

Barack Obama is either one of the most arogant, most naive, or most stupid men in the world for saying the quote above. He is arogant if he said what he did, knowing that everyone would believe he was talking about Sarah Palin, and is now trying to convince everyone that he did not know it. He is naive if he honestly did not realize what he was saying. He is plain stupid (I do not throw that word out lightly) if he did not realize the hypocrisy of the second sentence in the quote above. "Change." "Change?" That is his entire mantra: CHANGE. That's all he has. Not only that, it is the oldest trick in the book, for politicians to promise change without anything specific. Then, when he does reveal his ideas, they are Saul Ulinsky 60's-socialist ideology that has crushed this country into it's present state. Look at the crises we are in, in this country: energy-caused by the environmentalist movement, auto industry-caused by labor unions, food prices-doubly caused by environmentalists, and mortgage-caused by the "every American should own their home" crowd, including George W Bush. Yet, he advocates change. What will the change be, MORE OF THESE FAILED IDEAS?

Oh, man. That's enough for today. Sarah Palin is off to Alaska to bid her eldest son goodbye, as he ships off to Iraq, and I will inevitably be brought to tears by the memorials of September 11, 2001, on radio and television. I do not know if I will have anything useful to contribute on Sarah Palin tomorrow, so please consider taking a moment to remember all those Americans lost on 9-11 and since. We have a lot of things to be proud of, and a lot of things to be ashamed of, but we can all agree upon is the unity we had on that day.

God bless the United States of America.

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Now with a Kung Fu Grip!Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Amazing. From small-town mayor, to governor, to vice presidential candidate, and, now, SUPER HERO! Check out the new Sarah Palin action figure.

Palin and the Old Guy will be in Lancaster, PA, later today. For those of you in the central and eastern parts of the state, check out the information on On that note, I have another PhotoShop for your enjoyment. Please give me feedback on what you think of my Old Guy-Palin '09 T-Shirt.

Old Guy-Palin 2009 T-Shirt: I'm With Old Guy

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Draft Sarah Palin For Vice President: "The Palin Effect"Monday, September 8, 2008
For a nice summation of where we stand now, as for the presidential election and Sarah Palin, check out Draft Sarah Palin For Vice President: "The Palin Effect.
I have to give a nod to that guy, s he was, without a doubt, the first one on the bandwagon. Sure, he's gotten plenty of media attention over it, but, hey, he was legitimately out there calling for it before she was on anyone's radar. Nice work, Don't miss out on his convention coverage.

I've been reading a bunch of different news stories, looking for the right thing to talk about, when I came across this one from the Times Online, about how she is electrifying crowds. As if that wasn't obvious. The question I have is, what is John McCain going to do about it? He talks about the turnout in crowds since he announced her. The thing is, now he's stuck with her. Generally, the presidential candidate announces his VP, he introduces him (or her ;-)) for a few days/rallies, and then they go on their own way, covering twice as much ground. The problem for McCain is that she is MUCH more popular. How would it look for her to consistently be getting more people and more interested people attending her speeches? I have heard several different time tables for their split, but I can just not see it happening any time soon, the media would pounce all over him. Oh, yeah, Barack Obama has no idea what to do, now that he is not the media darling. Why don't you ask John McCain or Hilary Clinton, what that feels like?

Speaking of which, I haven't heard much from Mrs. Clinton in the last ten days. Have you? Coincidence?
Getting to know you...Saturday, September 6, 2008
Getting to know all about you.

Here is a pretty good article about Sarah Palin and some of the hot topics she has introduced to the world over the last week. My favorite is the fact that she sold the Alaska governor's private jet. Talk about misusing public funds. I'm all about the governor being able to travel the state, especially one as large as Alasaka, but having a private jet? Come on! That's the type of corruption the Sarah Palin overthrew in Alaska. I can only hope that she will do the same in the nation's capitol (aka hive of scum and villany).

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Surprisingly Poll Results... if you believe in polls
I have mixed feelings about polls in general, but this Rasmussen poll about Sarah Palin and the favorability ratings of the other three candidates has some interesting information. The most surprising thing to me was that men favor her 65% over women 52%! I can completely understand why so many men favor her, but what's with the women of this country? I honestly don't understand. Is it because she's beautiful, aggressive, tom-boyish, or what? Please fill me in... I'd love to know!

Lastly, how surprising? Sarah Palin is leading the polls in favorability. It has only been a week or since since most people have ever heard of her, but she has caused quite a stir up in this country since then. We'll see where things settle in the long term.

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Joe Biden's Debate PrepFriday, September 5, 2008
After watching Governor Palin's historic speech on Wednesday, I have so many ideas swirling in my head for posters, bumper stickers, T-shirts television and Internet ads, etc., I cannot contain them! That is a major reason I created this blog. Unlike many out there, I am refusing to let John McCain's speech deter my enthusiasm. Here is one quickie mockup. Please let me know your thoughts.

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You know. Wouldya vote for John McCain, based on his VP candidate? I never thought I would. The more I learn about Sarah Palin, though, the more I think I don't have any other option. We need change. REAL change. Not the empty words that the liberals are spewing. We need someone to truly bust up the government beuaracracies that have infected our great system. She just may be the person to do it.

In the coming days and weeks, I will do everything I can to find out how much of her image is real and how much of it is wishful thinking on the part of real conservatives (real Americans), and I will bring it to you, here. Pictures, computer backgrounds, screensavers, T-Shirts, bumper stickers, news, facts, anectdotes and more, all in one place. I'm psyched.

P.S. - I am sorry for the offensive template I chose; I am working on updating the design.

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