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We're on a mission from GodFriday, September 12, 2008
OK. So, by now, most people who would read this have seen or heard the clips from Sarah Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC. I honestly think that it has been the down point of her candidacy. The problem is, I believe that Charlie Gibson really stuck it to her. Unfortunately, she did not do anything to point out what he was doing. The one thing that I believe was the most obviously biased, was the quote about the War Against Terror being from God. This is the quote I keep hearing played:

"Our national leader are sending them out on a task that is... from God."

She said that, it is true, but they abruptly cut the tape right there, even as she goes on to her next sentence with no pause:
"That's what we have to make sure we are praying for; that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Now the second sentence completely changes the meaning of the first, so why didn't they play that? My belief is that they don't want you to hear it. Charlie Gibson doesn't want you to hear it. He wants you to believe that Sarah Palin is a war monger, just like George W Bush and all of his cronies, and believes that we are in a holy war. He does not want you to know that she is asking that we all pray that our leaders are making the right decisions and are following God's will. Again, the problem is that Sarah Palin did not make this clear, herself, during the interview. Instead of saying, "why don't you play the rest of the tape, Charlie." She goes on to explain how she believes in Abraham Lincoln's belief that we should follow God's will, etc. She looked weak and indecisive, which is the complete opposite of everything she has been up until now. We will just have to see how things play out.

Check out the full YouTube video of Sarah Palin's address to her congregation on YouTube. The video is really long. Charlie Gibson cut the tape at 3:53.

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