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  • Area2 natotibus etgnis
  • Area3 etgnis disriea jesert
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  • Area5 unc odgravida atc


Fermentum dictum gna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor dapibus eget , elementum velursus eleifend, elit

Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget , elementum velursus eleifend elit. Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Integer rutrum ante eu lacus.Quisque nulla. Vestibulum libero nis

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test2Friday, April 16, 2010
test post2
test post
Do We Really Want Perfection?Wednesday, October 1, 2008
News Flash: Sarah Palin is not perfect. She's not a perfect orator. She's not the perfect mother. She's not the perfect politician. This is all common sense to most of us, as no one is perfect, but it somehow has made headlines across the nation... world, actually.

Why is that? The answer is simple. The left hates her. They loathe everything about her because, as much as they preach acceptance and tolerance, they are inherently neither and hate everyone with ideals different than theirs. I was reading this article about Sen. Obama's rise in the polls on Yahoo! news, and came upon a completely ridiculous statement:
Pollsters attributed Obama's improved standing to the public's general approval of his debate performance, antipathy toward GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and heightened confidence in the Illinois senator's ability to handle the economic crisis.
Antipathy? You know, I do not have statistics or stone-cold facts, but in my personal circle and almost everything I have seen and heard on TV, radio, and the Internet, it has been about how Gov. Palin has completely invigorated the entire election. I would like to know where Liz Sidoti got this fact or, if it is complete fabrication, I'd like to know what qualifies her to be an AP "reporter."

OK, back to my point about perfection. Gov. Palin is a polished speaker, with her experience as a TV sports anchor, or whatever she did. Sen. Obama is good at giving prepared speeches, but not very good with impromptu speaking (a lot of ums and uhs). With that said, the media constantly harps on Sarah Palin's every misstep, while forgiving the plethora that come from Barack Obama's mouth. Here is an example. Here is a transcript of Gov. Palin and Old Guy's recent interview with Katie Couric, and here is a transcript of Katie Couric's Q&A with Sen. Obama and Old Guy. Do you notice anything? The transcript with Sarah Palin includes "um" written out twice, and "uh" once. That caught my eye immediately. When was the last time you saw a transcript with "uh" or "um" written out? I thought I would give them the benefit of the doubt, so I seached CBS for Obama and Couric, and found the second transcript. Both pages have the video footage, too, so I watched Sen. Obama's answer to the first question and counted at least five "uh"s. I also noticed that he stutters a lot. At least three times he, presumably unintentionally, repeated a word. Do you think any of that was in the transcript?

Now, this may seem petty. Under normal circumstances, I would agree. These are not normal circumstances, though. I believe that there is a consistent and intentional effort to put the Democrat Party and Barack Obama in a postive light, and the Republican Party and John McCain and Sarah Palin in a negative light by the mainstream print and TV media. This may be proof of that, or simply be the case of two different transcribers with two different styles. The thing is, that nine times out of ten, as much as I give the media the benefit of the doubt, I can only conclude that the media is biased, and often severly so. Let me know what you think.

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Well, Hello, Mrs. PalinWednesday, September 24, 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin has no foreign policy experience. Well, excepting her experience dealing with the 51st state, Canadia, this is a true statement. As far as I know, she has never met with any head of state before... until yesterday. We are all familiar with her shotgun wedding with Old Guy. Now comes the baptismal by fire. Is she up to it? Will her steely resolve resonate or reject? Will the fact that she has a pair of those, and not these afect her ability to communicate with some leaders? Only time will tell. So far, so good. The LA Times has a decently unbiased look at her experience, including the fact that she had, indeed, never met a head of state before her infamous interview with Charlie Gibson, and the fact that she will be meeting with Bono later today.

Um... which state is Bono the head of, again?
Palin Supporters: Hollywood: 0, The Villages: 60,000Monday, September 22, 2008
60,000 people is a lot of people. Whether it is at a football game in a stadium, or outdoors to hear an unpolitician speak. Gov. Sarah Palin drew 60,000 people to a rally north of Orlando over the weekend. In related news, Sen. John McCain also attended the rally.

Her affect on politics in this country continues to be amazing, and largely ignored by the media. Unfortunately, since her appearances and speaches are ignored or skimmed over, it is hard to get an idea of what, exactly, she is saying and where she stands. Fortunately, she is getting MORE popular as time goes on, so, eventually, they will have to pay attention (at least, I hope). I just wonder what they would do if the vice-presidents' debate outviews the presidential debates!

Regardless, Gov. Palin continues to impress and be a beacon of hope to all Americans who want to pull the plug on our vastly corrupt and bloated system. I can only hope she is the real deal.

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Another trip to PA planned for MondayFriday, September 19, 2008

Ah yes, Philadelphia. I guess Sarah Palin and the Old Guy figured they hit up Western and Central PA, they needed to go to the dark, err... other side of the state. Philadelphia, where the dead not only vote, they vote often! More than 100% voter turnout! Hmmm... that sounds like another T-Shirt or a bumper sticker. What do you think?

As for this blog, I was starting to get discouraged because I thought that no one was reading this blog and I was putting good effort into it. I feel reinvigorated now, though, as I have several fans of the Facebook account. Please take a moment and comment on something, just to let me know that you are here and to let me know what you like and what you don't. There's so much to talk about, but most of it gets rehashed a million ways everyday. I think I will stick to the Photoshops, what do you think?

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Palin-Old Guy in Ohio TodayTuesday, September 16, 2008
Who cares, outside of Ohio? Well, you should take note, if you are at all interested in this year's presidential election. According to this month's Public Policy Poll results, the Palin Effect is a politcal storm taking over Ohio. According to this poll, in one month, the Palin-Old Guy ticket has made a 25 point swing among Ohio independents! This is an amazing feat by any standard. The poll results show that mcuh of that can be directly attributed to John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, and Barack Obama's selection of Joe Biden. There is much more to learn about Sarah Palin over the next two months and beyond, but, at this rate, she could go on to be the most influential non-presidential candidate to ever affect a US presidential election. What are your thoughts on this?

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